The Kindle Workshop | v2 | Edmonton, AB | The Foundry Room I missed out on the first Kindle Workshop because of travel last spring, so I was so happy to be able to attend the second Kindle! I loved seeing Nicole Ashley and Ang McCabe pouring...

Meraki Village | Workshop At the end of September, I had the greatest pleasure in participating in the Meraki Village workshop put on by my friends Kristilee Parish and Lyndsay Greenwood. Meraki Village is a workshop designed to give photographers the tools they need for a...

2018 Year in Review Welcome to my 2018 year in review, a collection of my work throughout the year that is close to my heart and what I love most to photograph in the world. Below, you'll find a crazy combination of everything, from boudoir and...

Edmonton lifestyle boudoir When Sheila first booked her lifestyle boudoir session, I was already looking forward to it because of her genuine and contagious excitement. I love working with people who are just so excited for their session. It brings something so different to the table! It...

Cozy indoor portraits - Audrey I always love having more time to slow down and create a few more portrait sessions in the off season. Audrey and I were able to check out a new studio space here in Edmonton (see #homebyblondy on Instagram) and we...

IN HOME BOUDOIR | EDMONTON BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHER Photographing in-home boudoir is one of my favourite things to do during my off-season. It's a great excuse to stay inside, have warm drinks together, and listen to some killer early 2000s tunes. I'm so glad Kim was up...

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